
We are a friendly and encouraging art group based in Adlington, Lancashire.

Under the guidance of our tutor, beginners  and more experienced members are encouraged to develop  their drawing and painting skills using a wide variety of media.

Membership is open to all over the age of 18.

Our year is based around three ten-week themed terms.

  We have Exhibitions with sales of members’ work .

Our  terms (January – April, May – July and September – December) and the workshops are held on Tuesdays at the Fairview Youth & Community Centre, Highfield Road North, Adlington.

The Centre has a large well lit room, disabled access, kitchen, toilet and car parking facilities.  There are two, two-hour classes (starting at 09:00 and 11:15 hrs) during the terms with members able to choose which class to attend, subject to available places.

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